The New Sheridan Club: Mrs H. tells us all about the Peacock Room
The New Sheridan Club: A goodly throng turn out
The New Sheridan Club: Torquil, Miss Minna and Neil McKeown
The New Sheridan Club: Miss Hartley (foreground) attempts to sabotage the Babbage engine
The New Sheridan Club: Curé Silver takes Essex's confession in his stride
The New Sheridan Club: A group shot of NSC Members in their Club Ties
The New Sheridan Club: Miss Hartley
The New Sheridan Club: Fruity looks concerned
The New Sheridan Club: Willow looks composed
The New Sheridan Club: Ian the White looks in need of a fag
The New Sheridan Club: Seonaid photographs Fruity
The New Sheridan Club: Torquil offers Chairman Maoward a sympathetic ear
The New Sheridan Club: This is pretty much what Fruity Hatfield-Peverel looks like
The New Sheridan Club: Here he is, going for "Distinguished statesman"
The New Sheridan Club: Ooh, now he's moody