Sheree (Here intermittently):
Sweet little boy who comes to visit me
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Aggression equals survival...
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Baby Great Horned Owl - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Sheree (Here intermittently):
No Honor Among Thieves
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Waiting out the winter
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Chickadee over peanut
Sheree (Here intermittently):
If you pay get monkeys...
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Indescribable joy
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Bohemian Waxwing
Sheree (Here intermittently):
House Finch
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Robin Red Breast
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Love among the swallows
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Pick me! Pick me! EXPLORED June 2012
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Releasing a snowy owl in Alberta
Sheree (Here intermittently):
You talking to me?
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Mallard Duck, Alberta
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Blackbird, Edmonton, Alberta 2013
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Grackle psycho off his meds
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Alberta Robin holding grub worms
Sheree (Here intermittently):
C'mon kids...try your wings!
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Steller's Jay - Dark Angel
Sheree (Here intermittently):
A study in seagulls