Sheree (Here intermittently):
Dirt Bike Rider
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Dirt Bike in the Air
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Suicide Ride 50 Feet Up!
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Horse Racing
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Red Car
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Horses and Wagon
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Boat in Zoo
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Old Cabin with Tractor
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Monster truck jumps cars
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Harley Davidson
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Waiting patiently
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Old Car on Route 66
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Oatman Route 66 Car
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Night Flight
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Big Easy Wheels
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Sheree (Here intermittently):
F.armer's O.ld R.eliable D.irt-hauler
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Hood Ornament
Sheree (Here intermittently):
My Midnight Ride!
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Rexall Edmonton Indy 2009!
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Driver Contemplations! Rexall Edmonton Indy 2009!
Sheree (Here intermittently):
A drive-in movie in 2009 -- it's an inflatable!
Sheree (Here intermittently):
It's all in the details!
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Oh, Baby! Want a lift? Sure, but only if I can drive! So, shove over!
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Be afraid! Be very afraid!
Sheree (Here intermittently):
"The Enchanter!"
Sheree (Here intermittently):
Straight on into tomorrow
Sheree (Here intermittently):
All but forgotten: the poignant art of abandonment