scottshephard: 2013 09-22 Harvest Moon II by Scott Shephard
scottshephard: Green Fingers
scottshephard: 2013 08-18 Morning Glory
scottshephard: IMG_1737 POTD
scottshephard: 2013 09-21 Here Comes the Sun by Scott Shephard
scottshephard: photo
scottshephard: 2013 04-23 After the Snow 2
scottshephard: ShephardDesktop IMG0051016
scottshephard: 2013 11-11 A Little Color by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard
scottshephard: _G9S1242 POTD
scottshephard: 2013 05-02 Early by Scott Shephard
scottshephard: 2012 12-05 HDR in B&W
scottshephard: _G9S5682
scottshephard: IMG_6657 POTD
scottshephard: Yellow Rose
scottshephard: JapaneseMapleOlympia POTD
scottshephard: 2012 01-13 Another Day
scottshephard: Fall Fire
scottshephard: 2013 11-05 The Golden Hour by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard
scottshephard: IMG_7926 POTD
scottshephard: IMG_8164
scottshephard: 2012-11-02-Revisiting-Iron-Creek
scottshephard: 2012 12-16 Country Road
scottshephard: 2013 11-21 St. Cecilia Cathedral, Omaha by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard
scottshephard: photo
scottshephard: IMG_6091 POTD
scottshephard: IMG_2721 POTD POTD
scottshephard: _g9s0257 POTD