Photography by Sheltiesmama:
Dreadlock plant
Photography by Sheltiesmama:
Giant Spiderwort
Photography by Sheltiesmama:
With an added friend
Photography by Sheltiesmama:
Photography by Sheltiesmama:
Trumpet Creeper
Photography by Sheltiesmama:
Turk's cap
Photography by Sheltiesmama:
Weeds are pretty, too!
Photography by Sheltiesmama:
Tiny marigolds
Photography by Sheltiesmama:
Red & yellow up close
Photography by Sheltiesmama:
Mirror images
Photography by Sheltiesmama:
Tattered wings
Photography by Sheltiesmama:
Red Berries
Photography by Sheltiesmama:
Black eyed susan
Photography by Sheltiesmama:
Against the blue sky
Photography by Sheltiesmama:
Please DON'T drink the water!
Photography by Sheltiesmama:
Duck bath