PhotoByTrace: Sunrising as we set off on the dawn Nitmiluk Cruise
PhotoByTrace: Pied cormorant in the first gorge
PhotoByTrace: Morning light in Nitmiluk - First Gorge
PhotoByTrace: Morning light in Nitmiluk - First Gorge
PhotoByTrace: Moon setting in early morning light in Nitmiluk
PhotoByTrace: Morning light in Nitmiluk - Crossover from first to second Gorge
PhotoByTrace: Rock Art at Nitmiluk on crossover from first to second Gorge
PhotoByTrace: Morning light in Nitmiluk - crossover between first and second gorge
PhotoByTrace: Morning light in Nitmiluk - Crossover from first to second Gorge
PhotoByTrace: Morning light in Nitmiluk - Crossover from first to second Gorge
PhotoByTrace: Morning light in Nitmiluk - Crossover from first to second Gorge
PhotoByTrace: Morning light in Nitmiluk - second Gorge
PhotoByTrace: Morning sun flare in Nitmiluk - second Gorge
PhotoByTrace: Morning light in Nitmiluk - second Gorge
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PhotoByTrace: Second gorge with afternoon reflections
PhotoByTrace: Second gorge late afternoon
PhotoByTrace: Nitmiluk Gorge bathed in afternoon light
PhotoByTrace: Suns setting rays lighting up the end of the first Gorge.
PhotoByTrace: After sunset on the dinner cruise at Nitmiluk
PhotoByTrace: Sunset on the dusk Nitmiluk dinner Cruise