shelmac: Pensant du Penseur
shelmac: Thinking about The Thinker
shelmac: Another Rodin detail
shelmac: A closer look
shelmac: The tubes of the Pompidou
shelmac: Camille Claudel detail
shelmac: L'arc de Triomphe
shelmac: Oscar Wilde's Grave
shelmac: The Inscriber
shelmac: You are my star
shelmac: Jeanne
shelmac: Two Serious Boys
shelmac: Devotees
shelmac: Brave Girl
shelmac: Tibia Forest
shelmac: Dem Bones
shelmac: Skulls
shelmac: Bastille
shelmac: Observing man observed
shelmac: Resting family
shelmac: Closed
shelmac: Rodin detail
shelmac: Stencil in the Marais
shelmac: Jeanne, flowers
shelmac: Art patron
shelmac: Carousel, Hotel de Ville
shelmac: Jeanne eats crepe
shelmac: The Cardinal eyes me
shelmac: Stairs
shelmac: Le Tour