ShellyS: Now that the Ponds are Gone, the Doctor Auditions a New Companion
ShellyS: Black Widow Helps Tony Stark Test His Iron Man Equipment 1
ShellyS: Black Widow Helps Tony Stark Test His Iron Man Equipment 2
ShellyS: Black Widow Helps Tony Stark Test His Iron Man Equipment 3
ShellyS: Black Widow Helps Tony Stark Test His Iron Man Equipment 4
ShellyS: Black Widow Helps Tony Stark Test His Iron Man Equipment 5
ShellyS: Black Widow Helps Tony Stark Test His Iron Man Equipment 6
ShellyS: Black Widow Helps Tony Stark Test His Iron Man Equipment 7
ShellyS: Ho Ho Ho
ShellyS: The Doctor's Rockin' New Year's Eve Dance Party
ShellyS: The Doctor's Rockin' New Year's Eve Dance Party
ShellyS: The Doctor's Rockin' New Year's Eve Dance Party
ShellyS: The Doctor's Rockin' New Year's Eve Dance Party
ShellyS: The Doctor's Rockin' New Year's Eve Dance Party
ShellyS: The Doctor's Rockin' New Year's Eve Dance Party
ShellyS: Natasha and Tony Have a Visitor
ShellyS: Tony: "Welcome to the 1:6 Gang"
ShellyS: The 11th Doctor Discovers a Drawback to "Bigger on the Inside"
ShellyS: Even the Doctor Sometimes Needs to Take a Refresher Course on Basic Astronomy
ShellyS: Once Again, Tony and the Doctor End Up with Each Other's Screwdriver
ShellyS: The Doctor Introduces Newcomer Bruce Banner to the Gang
ShellyS: The Sixth Scale Gang
ShellyS: Keeping Bruce Banner Calm is Tough Work
ShellyS: Keeping Bruce Banner Calm is Tough Work
ShellyS: Keeping Bruce Banner Calm is Tough Work
ShellyS: Keeping Bruce Banner Calm is Tough Work
ShellyS: Keeping Bruce Banner Calm is Tough Work
ShellyS: Keeping Bruce Banner Calm is Tough Work
ShellyS: Keeping Bruce Banner Calm is Tough Work
ShellyS: The Doctor Introduces Newcomer Bruce Banner to the Gang