Shelley'73: Ironwork
Shelley'73: Fallen Apple
Shelley'73: Ironwork2
Shelley'73: Reflecting on Clouds
Shelley'73: Bust, Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Shelley'73: Wild Fungi!
Shelley'73: New Growth 2
Shelley'73: New Growth
Shelley'73: What no Caterpillar?
Shelley'73: Bamboo 3
Shelley'73: Bamboo 2
Shelley'73: Bamboo 1
Shelley'73: Lines and curves in nature
Shelley'73: Leaf & Twisted trunk 1
Shelley'73: Leaf & Twisted trunk 2
Shelley'73: Shoot the moving target 2
Shelley'73: Shoot the moving target 1