shelleth: Scott noms his ticket
shelleth: I nom my ticket
shelleth: We are excited!
shelleth: Chrystal
shelleth: Comrade Hat
shelleth: Erik climbed ALL the things
shelleth: Erik goes into the re-birth canal
shelleth: pre-infrastructure
shelleth: Erik and I
shelleth: Hammering in stakes
shelleth: Chrystal in her floral onesie
shelleth: Bad. Ass.
shelleth: Moustache crew
shelleth: Shade skeleton
shelleth: Shade skeleton
shelleth: Burning Man 2010
shelleth: Chrystal
shelleth: Scott
shelleth: Open playa
shelleth: Open playa
shelleth: Self-portrait
shelleth: Boys in skirts
shelleth: Self-portrait
shelleth: Chrystal makes breakfast
shelleth: Scott drinks coffee
shelleth: Goggles.
shelleth: Moustache party!
shelleth: Creepy fake children in the window.