Shellcomber: Any guesses which station this is? ;)
Shellcomber: Yummy Korean food on K-block!
Shellcomber: My bundled up gangsta' friends. ;)
Shellcomber: An impromptu clothing swap meet amongst the guys.
Shellcomber: The girls observe the fussy "clothing swap" with shock and wonderment...
Shellcomber: I thought we were in the Big Apple? I guess pear's close enough...
Shellcomber: The cellphone generation...
Shellcomber: Timeless camaraderie
Shellcomber: Oh, just like the good old days...
Shellcomber: Of course we had to do a group shot...
Shellcomber: Whatcha eating there, Amanda?
Shellcomber: Four on a couch
Shellcomber: Waiting in line for Chicago!
Shellcomber: Paying homage to the M&M "king of rock"
Shellcomber: The Statue of M-berty
Shellcomber: Willy Wonka's rainbow route?
Shellcomber: More willy wonka labor?
Shellcomber: eh, I'm not impressed...
Shellcomber: Oooo, she likes it...
Shellcomber: Mmmm...le pain at Dean & Deluca's
Shellcomber: Les sprinkles ;)
Shellcomber: beautiful and ritzy mushrooms
Shellcomber: Shiny imported / hothouse tomatoes in the middle of January
Shellcomber: Ceci-Cela: The best croissants in New York
Shellcomber: Inside the narrow cafe of Ceci-cela.
Shellcomber: Lombardi's...overrated NYC pizza