Shellcomber: Let's get down to business, Trinity.
Shellcomber: cool little guy 2
Shellcomber: Cool little guy
Shellcomber: Ooo, check that out!
Shellcomber: Hm...guess I'm still getting used to these shades
Shellcomber: Cool little geologist
Shellcomber: Little guy and his rocks
Shellcomber: You lookin' at me?
Shellcomber: Big guy, little guy
Shellcomber: Big guy watches little guy
Shellcomber: Hey there, whatchoo doing?
Shellcomber: The view down low
Shellcomber: Every move you make...
Shellcomber: At eye level
Shellcomber: IMG_1504
Shellcomber: Pretty child
Shellcomber: Model Brenda
Shellcomber: My self portrait
Shellcomber: IMG_0340_gazing _out
Shellcomber: IMG_0417sisters_nose_to_nose
Shellcomber: IMG_0401_sisters_laughing
Shellcomber: IMG_0346_daydreaming
Shellcomber: Dreaminess
Shellcomber: Distracted gaze
Shellcomber: Informal captures
Shellcomber: Casual poses
Shellcomber: Executive look