Shell4Short: 2/365 - Stoplight
Shell4Short: 3/365 - Miniature Orchids
Shell4Short: 4/365 - My chubby legs.
Shell4Short: 6/365 - Do you wash yours?
Shell4Short: 8/365 - Blue
Shell4Short: 9/365 - I don't need no stinkin' hug.
Shell4Short: 10/365 - Under the Pier
Shell4Short: 11/365 - Smirk
Shell4Short: 14/365 - Yellow Daisy
Shell4Short: 15/365 - Morning Sun
Shell4Short: 19/365 - Lights in a bottle
Shell4Short: 21/365 - Rainy day stoplight
Shell4Short: 25/365 - Flicker...
Shell4Short: 28/365 - New Color
Shell4Short: 29/365 - playing with colors
Shell4Short: 30/365 - Cold Bananas
Shell4Short: 32/365 - Here, fishy...
Shell4Short: 36/365 - Seed Beads
Shell4Short: 37/365 - Strawberry cupcake with sprinkles
Shell4Short: 38/365 - Torn
Shell4Short: 39/365 - Twisted
Shell4Short: 40/365 - New Glasses
Shell4Short: 44/365 - Untitled
Shell4Short: 48/365 - Looks like forever...
Shell4Short: 49/365 - playing with photobooth
Shell4Short: 51/365 - Weathered
Shell4Short: 52/365 - Blue Reflection
Shell4Short: 53/365- Red Drink