shelikesdior: Enter my building
shelikesdior: Through the tunnel
shelikesdior: My garden of Eden
shelikesdior: The Courtyard
shelikesdior: The Fountain
shelikesdior: Landscaping
shelikesdior: The Courtyard
shelikesdior: Rose bushes in the courtyard
shelikesdior: White roses in the courtyard
shelikesdior: The Courtyard
shelikesdior: The LES at sunset
shelikesdior: Bike Storage!
shelikesdior: Old World
shelikesdior: Moishe's Bakery
shelikesdior: The Gym!
shelikesdior: More of the gym!
shelikesdior: Stretchin out at the gym!
shelikesdior: My apt door
shelikesdior: Vintage Crystal door knob
shelikesdior: My bedroom
shelikesdior: My bedroom
shelikesdior: My bedroom
shelikesdior: Cat with cat house on my bed
shelikesdior: The Foyer
shelikesdior: The Foyer
shelikesdior: Kitchen
shelikesdior: Kitchen
shelikesdior: Above the kitchen sink
shelikesdior: Manjari enjoying his new bathroom
shelikesdior: Tub Knobs