Sheldon Shaw: Jefferson TWP School
Sheldon Shaw: Jefferson TWP School Gym
Sheldon Shaw: Indiana Barn
Sheldon Shaw: Indiana Barn
Sheldon Shaw: Dead Hay Rake
Sheldon Shaw: Old School
Sheldon Shaw: Hay Rake Oxidizing Into Oblivion
Sheldon Shaw: JAW and his hay
Sheldon Shaw: Dinner Roll
Sheldon Shaw: Field o' hay
Sheldon Shaw: My Messy Kitchen
Sheldon Shaw: Crazy Clouds
Sheldon Shaw: Goin' down the road
Sheldon Shaw: Dying Barn
Sheldon Shaw: Falling down on the job
Sheldon Shaw: Indiana Barn
Sheldon Shaw: Another Dead Tractor
Sheldon Shaw: Dead Tractor
Sheldon Shaw: Big Clifty Falls sans Water
Sheldon Shaw: Indiana Autumn
Sheldon Shaw: Fallen Soldier
Sheldon Shaw: Autumn Creek
Sheldon Shaw: View from the tunnel
Sheldon Shaw: Clifty Falls Tunnel
Sheldon Shaw: Drying Carcinogens
Sheldon Shaw: Dead Worship Center
Sheldon Shaw: Dead Worship Center
Sheldon Shaw: Dead Worship Center
Sheldon Shaw: Autumn Pond
Sheldon Shaw: Autumn Road