Sheldon Shaw: Desert foothills
Sheldon Shaw: View from the road
Sheldon Shaw: Working the field
Sheldon Shaw: Not Ansel's
Sheldon Shaw: Clear this brush
Sheldon Shaw: Yuccas at 70 mph
Sheldon Shaw: Conduit Swallow
Sheldon Shaw: Conduit Swallow
Sheldon Shaw: Light Swallow
Sheldon Shaw: IMG_2796
Sheldon Shaw: Lava Squirrel
Sheldon Shaw: Yuccas
Sheldon Shaw: Black hole
Sheldon Shaw: Cactus
Sheldon Shaw: Lava field
Sheldon Shaw: Yucca silhouette
Sheldon Shaw: Yucca silhouette redux
Sheldon Shaw: Lava field
Sheldon Shaw: Desert Gator
Sheldon Shaw: Yucca / Lava field
Sheldon Shaw: Mesquite
Sheldon Shaw: Mesquite
Sheldon Shaw: Silhouette of a Photo Geek
Sheldon Shaw: Coming at ya
Sheldon Shaw: Mesquite
Sheldon Shaw: Ripples in stone
Sheldon Shaw: Lava wall