Shelburne Museum:
Kendall made a fast start out of the gate
Shelburne Museum:
Great progress after 1 week
Shelburne Museum:
Here's the second horse that's being cleaned this fall
Shelburne Museum:
We don't always use cotton swabs for cleaning
Shelburne Museum:
Kendall has moved around to the romance side.
Shelburne Museum:
Half cleaned and happy
Shelburne Museum:
Kendall & Kelsey working in tandem on the same parts
Shelburne Museum:
Repairing a wobbly leg
Shelburne Museum:
Repairing a wobbly leg
Shelburne Museum:
Kelsey's moved on to the romance
Shelburne Museum:
Here's something we haven't found on the other carousel animals
Shelburne Museum:
Getting ready to varnish
Shelburne Museum:
Pisces, before treatment, romance side
Shelburne Museum:
Pisces, plain side Before Treatment
Shelburne Museum:
Pisces, after treatment, plain side
Shelburne Museum:
Pisces, after treatment, romance side
Shelburne Museum:
Pisces, after treatment, front
Shelburne Museum:
Pisces, after treatment, rear
Shelburne Museum:
Pisces, before and after treatment
Shelburne Museum:
From half cleaned to fully cleaned
Shelburne Museum:
Cleaning begins on the camel rounding board
Shelburne Museum:
Cleaning begins on the camel rounding board
Shelburne Museum:
Fun details revealed as cleaning progresses on the rounding board
Shelburne Museum:
Here's a step-wise view of the rounding board's transformation
Shelburne Museum:
A before and after of the gouge that was compensated