Shelburne Museum: Meet Walter.
Shelburne Museum: Its already becoming a horse of a different color.
Shelburne Museum: Week 2 progress: a lavender border on the blanket
Shelburne Museum: Week 2 progress: moving along nicely
Shelburne Museum: The yin and yang of Walter
Shelburne Museum: Week 3 progress
Shelburne Museum: Week 4 progress-removing an old repair
Shelburne Museum: Week 4 progress- the mane's white too
Shelburne Museum: Walter's looking pleased, don't you think?
Shelburne Museum: Week 5-begining to clean the brass
Shelburne Museum: Week 6- Getting to the hard to reach spots
Shelburne Museum: Looks like the horse is ticklish
Shelburne Museum: Week 7 update-nearly there!
Shelburne Museum: Varnishing!
Shelburne Museum: Walter, before (top) and after