sheilapolhemus: R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Dis be my Tina Turner looky!
sheilapolhemus: How doos you like dis hair sTylinz, Mommy?
sheilapolhemus: We're ready for da concerto, Aunty Dollz!
sheilapolhemus: Teehee gigGle sNorT! Bet yous cantz tell wotz differentmost!
sheilapolhemus: I gots ta git my Iphone ready ta recordenmost Aunty Dollz' performorance! Where be dat camera button?
sheilapolhemus: Amberly Willow and Melody sharing fries
sheilapolhemus: Fabric Friends Meet-up
sheilapolhemus: Amberly Willow's new dressie
sheilapolhemus: Meeting Kathy/62Kitty
sheilapolhemus: Meeting Kathy/62Kitty
sheilapolhemus: Meeting Kathy/62Kitty