A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: The wreck of Fairweather IV, at it's final resting place, Lochcarnan, Isle of South Uist
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: The wreck of the SS Burnside, Lochmaddy, Isle of North Uist
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: Clachan. Isle of North Uist
phil winter: Great Spotted Woodpecker and Little Owl
ruth spotlight: Cottages on Uist
forbesimages: Long-eared Owl
forbesimages: Little Grebes
Gavin MacRae: Common Darter
gcampbellphoto: Silver-washed Fritillary (Argynnis paphia)
eric robb niven: Small Copper Butterfly
Chris Bainbridge1: Rare Garden Visitor
gcampbellphoto: Hummingbird Hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum)
Chris Bainbridge1: Norfolk is Beautiful
ruth spotlight: Cottage on Uist
Animais do Brasil: Fim-fim (Euphonia chlorotica) - Purple-throated Euphonia
OC Birds: White-tailed Kite
neilblack754: Black Redstart. Arbroath.
neilblack754: Short-eared Owl. Elliot. Arbroath
neilblack754: Hoopoe. Montrose Basin. November
neilblack754: Stonechat. Usan.
PAOVisual: River Nith Dumfries Heron
eric robb niven: Schiehallion
stefangruber82: Kaisermantel
stefangruber82: Oberer Seewisee bei der Memminger Hütte
stefangruber82: Sonnenuntergang am Säuling
Marco Cirillo: Regolo on the ice (Regulus regulus)
Mandy West: Black-tailed Godwit
J J McHale: Woodchat Shrike