sheilashine: Juno will come to China with me.
sheilashine: making do
sheilashine: beer-mosa
sheilashine: view from the Kowloon Hotel
sheilashine: 17th floor
sheilashine: supplies!
sheilashine: Good for Decompound alcohol and sober up the drunks
sheilashine: electric moped
sheilashine: most commonest motorcycle style
sheilashine: Chinese Fit!
sheilashine: bustling center
sheilashine: more city center
sheilashine: royal marina in the dark
sheilashine: royal marina
sheilashine: Holiday brochure
sheilashine: Bread animals!
sheilashine: Hello Crocodeeel !
sheilashine: view from the van ride to the factory
sheilashine: half a bicycle-cart!
sheilashine: houseboats
sheilashine: scenery!
sheilashine: banana trees
sheilashine: lots of waterways
sheilashine: a mox-cart!
sheilashine: Jetta!
sheilashine: tantrum evidence
sheilashine: Hotel room in HK