electricapples: "Don't take a picture of me underwater." *click*
electricapples: Scuba diving...
electricapples: Snorkeling
electricapples: Underwater
electricapples: Sea aquarium
electricapples: Snorkeling
electricapples: Snorkeling
electricapples: David feeding the fish
electricapples: Me taking some pictures
electricapples: More of David feeding the fish
electricapples: That's us!
electricapples: Fishies!
electricapples: Shout Out
electricapples: I think that fish is following me
electricapples: David swimming around
electricapples: More of me diving
electricapples: Going back to the boat
electricapples: Me with some of the other divers
electricapples: More of me
electricapples: More of David feeding the fish
electricapples: We just fed them mushed up crackers
electricapples: Me taking some pictures
electricapples: Swimming with a sea turtle
electricapples: Swimming with a sea turtle
electricapples: Swimming with a sea turtle
electricapples: I really close to him/her
electricapples: More of the turtle
electricapples: Our dive guide with the turtle