electricapples: That's the best I could clear up the LA haze
electricapples: Another Disneyland crowd close up
electricapples: Snow cap
electricapples: Disneyland crowd close up
electricapples: Looks a little '70s
electricapples: Say it's the same you
electricapples: New shades
electricapples: Running out of ideas...
electricapples: I need a better table...
electricapples: Disguised
electricapples: The last shot
electricapples: Yaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr
electricapples: It's Saturday!
electricapples: Nom nom nom
electricapples: October weather
electricapples: Any horror movie suggestions?
electricapples: Lone Star
electricapples: It's quite long on me...
electricapples: The token vacation tee
electricapples: Time out?
electricapples: I guess I'm on a focal black and white kick...
electricapples: Football season is back!
electricapples: Got any peanut butter?