electricapples: Belle Ringer
electricapples: Good Morning
electricapples: Heads Up
electricapples: It's Saturday!
electricapples: Storm's a brewin'
electricapples: Kisses for you
electricapples: I guess I'm on a focal black and white kick...
electricapples: Mentally on Vacation
electricapples: "I would do nothing"
electricapples: Exercise...it does a body good
electricapples: I Suck At Life
electricapples: Seriously...
electricapples: Radiation
electricapples: Thirsty?
electricapples: "Why does everyone have to go on a diet? Because! In cheerleading we throw people into the air. And fat people don't go as high."
electricapples: All Alone
electricapples: Tastes Just Like Candy
electricapples: What's more vain than cloning yourself?
electricapples: And then the lights went out.
electricapples: "You know the professor taught me everything I know. It took him 20 seconds."