shehal: batch of 95
shehal: lights
shehal: dannelle still trying to finding it
shehal: christopher
shehal: asela and chandana
shehal: scoreboard - st joseph's
shehal: batch of 94
shehal: batch of 94
shehal: block a - almost empty
shehal: anti-boredom activities
shehal: glen and romesh
shehal: get the f$#% inside! its raining!
shehal: rain!
shehal: block b
shehal: play
shehal: rain clouds
shehal: kamlesh
shehal: me
shehal: suraj
shehal: glen and rivor
shehal: glen
shehal: scoreboard - st peter's
shehal: dannelle finding it
shehal: bro and shehan
shehal: batch of 95
shehal: peta paradai!
shehal: wicket!
shehal: out!
shehal: some guys from batch of 94
shehal: chandana and hirantha