ellenspn: Loops in Raddle
ellenspn: Lease Sticks and Cross
ellenspn: Lease Sticks with Warp Chains
ellenspn: Warp Chains Ready to Start Warping
ellenspn: Roo the loom dog
ellenspn: Roo, doing his job
ellenspn: Finally weaving!
ellenspn: IMG_3488 (Small)
ellenspn: ZZZZZZZZZZZ.......
ellenspn: Roo's definition of helping
ellenspn: Time to go to bed!
ellenspn: Easier then the Herald!
ellenspn: Inserted eye heddles
ellenspn: Cutting other end of warp
ellenspn: Threading heddles
ellenspn: Time to wind on
ellenspn: Raddle and lease sticks in place
ellenspn: Attaching to the backbeam
ellenspn: Using a raddle
ellenspn: Starting the warp
ellenspn: Beamed Warp
ellenspn: Can we please go play now?
ellenspn: Roo Being Patient
ellenspn: Threading the heddles
ellenspn: Beater in Place with The Threaded Reed
ellenspn: Reed is Threaded
ellenspn: I Got The Duck!
ellenspn: Warp Is Finally Ready To Weave
ellenspn: Roo, Ready to Serve
ellenspn: Herald Floor loom-1