Sheeps and Peeps Farm: moving into the new paddock
Sheeps and Peeps Farm: before long...
Sheeps and Peeps Farm: on patrol ~ hff
Sheeps and Peeps Farm: Happy Birthday to my girl, Maddie
Sheeps and Peeps Farm: entertainment in the fiber room
Sheeps and Peeps Farm: storms all day long
Sheeps and Peeps Farm: in between nest building
Sheeps and Peeps Farm: little miss 1411
Sheeps and Peeps Farm: the bio-mowers at work ~ hff
Sheeps and Peeps Farm: evening in the pasture
Sheeps and Peeps Farm: summer in the pasture
Sheeps and Peeps Farm: Rosey's boys
Sheeps and Peeps Farm: Havva's ewe lamb
Sheeps and Peeps Farm: Althea's ewe lamb
Sheeps and Peeps Farm: Ethel's ram lamb
Sheeps and Peeps Farm: Happy Fourth and HFF