Sheep"R"Us: Our holiday house just outside Lymington
Sheep"R"Us: The dining area
Sheep"R"Us: Living room
Sheep"R"Us: Guardians of the Gate
Sheep"R"Us: Ornate chimneys
Sheep"R"Us: Lymington charter market
Sheep"R"Us: Tower of Church of St Thomas the Apostle, Lymington
Sheep"R"Us: Inflatables
Sheep"R"Us: View from the nature reserve towards the harbour
Sheep"R"Us: Lymington harbour
Sheep"R"Us: Burrard-Neale Memorial Gas Lamp
Sheep"R"Us: Lymington bandstand and water fountain
Sheep"R"Us: Monkey Brewhouse
Sheep"R"Us: Pint of beer at the Monkey Brewhouse
Sheep"R"Us: Monkey Brewhouse
Sheep"R"Us: Burrard Neale Monument
Sheep"R"Us: OS benchmark and trig point