sheedl: Security at the expo
sheedl: Raaaaaar
sheedl: IMG_3163
sheedl: Little boxes hanging in the sky
sheedl: Avatar Candy
sheedl: My favourite photo of Candy at the Expo
sheedl: UAE Pavilion. (Not a through road)
sheedl: Peoples republic of KFC
sheedl: IMG_3211
sheedl: Nepal (fine looking pavilion)
sheedl: IMG_3237
sheedl: Insert generic quip about China and security monitoring here
sheedl: Sunset under wire thingy
sheedl: IMG_3247
sheedl: IMG_3251
sheedl: IMG_3255
sheedl: IMG_3254
sheedl: candy can jump
sheedl: IMG_3271
sheedl: IMG_3272
sheedl: They'll never take my jpegs
sheedl: Proof that Haibao is female
sheedl: The Unpavilion
sheedl: ...and the Australian Pavilion had triffids
sheedl: spooks and other creatures of the night
sheedl: IMG_3354
sheedl: double the fun exposing the one
sheedl: Worst T-Shirt ever.
sheedl: I think we found the Fonz
sheedl: No doubt about it, he's deep in the sand trap.