shayroy4: Paul, Raphaël, Marie-Claude & Philip-Edouard
shayroy4: Paul, Raphaël, Marie-Claude, Francie & Philip-Edouard
shayroy4: Bubble of water in bromeliad
shayroy4: Pink flowers in a bromeliad
shayroy4: Star fruits - Carambola - Averrhoa carambola
shayroy4: Long droopy leaves
shayroy4: Yellow leaves - feuilles jaunes
shayroy4: Red & white
shayroy4: Philip-Eduard photographing flower
shayroy4: Red pointy bromeliad flowers
shayroy4: Tutle stretching
shayroy4: Pointsettia - Euphorbia pulcherrima
shayroy4: Philip-Edouard, Francie, Raphaël, Marie-Claude & Paul
shayroy4: Francie, Marie-Claude, Raphael & Paul with toques knitted by Francie
shayroy4: IMG_7862-1
shayroy4: IMG_7864-1
shayroy4: Philip-Edouard up abandoned skilift tower
shayroy4: Snow wrestling
shayroy4: The Hulk
shayroy4: Marie-Claude, Francie, Philip-Edouard & Raphaël
shayroy4: Francie & frozen orchid
shayroy4: Francie & frozen rose
shayroy4: Winter sunset against trees - Coucher de soleil en hiver en arrière des arbres
shayroy4: Snow seal
shayroy4: Snow bear - ours de neige
shayroy4: Robert, Oliver, Lise, Philip-Edouard, Francie, Marie-Claude, Raphaël & Simon
shayroy4: Philip-Edouard & Francie at Lachine rapids
shayroy4: Marie-Claude, Francie & Philip-Edouard snowshoeing
shayroy4: Winter stream
shayroy4: Francie, Philip-Edouard, Marie-Claude & Raphael with sunblock lips