shawntonsoup: DSC01382
shawntonsoup: DSC01383
shawntonsoup: Broom corn and sweet corn
shawntonsoup: DSC01684
shawntonsoup: DSC01692
shawntonsoup: DSC01697
shawntonsoup: DSC01717
shawntonsoup: max mew
shawntonsoup: ears and ears
shawntonsoup: onions in the sun
shawntonsoup: onion harvest
shawntonsoup: new potatos
shawntonsoup: georgia stirs the pot
shawntonsoup: Georgia mows before leaving
shawntonsoup: big old yard tree apples
shawntonsoup: Open Door Midwifery soon to open in Westby
shawntonsoup: DWF 25th Barn Dance party
shawntonsoup: kickapoo river valley
shawntonsoup: Best Friends get hungry
shawntonsoup: Scare Dee Crow and his Mistress
shawntonsoup: Grace Acres garden late November
shawntonsoup: a man, his horse, his men
shawntonsoup: Sunset in OK on 11/25/10
shawntonsoup: Reed & Colter well fed
shawntonsoup: a fort we have known
shawntonsoup: grace acres with snow
shawntonsoup: Twin sisters?
shawntonsoup: Colter & PK
shawntonsoup: silliness
shawntonsoup: Look this way