shawntonsoup: DSC01382
shawntonsoup: DSC01383
shawntonsoup: DSC01406
shawntonsoup: DSC01402
shawntonsoup: old ski poles support the tomatos
shawntonsoup: the sun room
shawntonsoup: The stairs
shawntonsoup: Oak leaf corner
shawntonsoup: lilies in front of the wood pile
shawntonsoup: view from the silo
shawntonsoup: mowed field
shawntonsoup: birds eye view
shawntonsoup: knee high by the middle of June!
shawntonsoup: back hills of squash
shawntonsoup: Broom corn and sweet corn
shawntonsoup: The pretty rows
shawntonsoup: Food so much green food
shawntonsoup: basil on the rise
shawntonsoup: up stairs
shawntonsoup: this was colter's room
shawntonsoup: the blue room
shawntonsoup: the story corner
shawntonsoup: kitchen in wood
shawntonsoup: master bedroom transformed
shawntonsoup: spindles and plants on the book shelf
shawntonsoup: living room