shawn.manny: 20150103_184158
shawn.manny: Isolation Booth framing
shawn.manny: Sound room window
shawn.manny: Sound room outside
shawn.manny: Cutting the window
shawn.manny: pile o drums
shawn.manny: we made a hole
shawn.manny: peek a boo
shawn.manny: hanging the window
shawn.manny: framing
shawn.manny: Rear wall of mixing room
shawn.manny: Sound panels made
shawn.manny: Window boxed in
shawn.manny: Mixing room wall done
shawn.manny: 20150112_173800
shawn.manny: 20150112_173817
shawn.manny: Getting there
shawn.manny: Decoupled mixing room wall
shawn.manny: One kit back on her feet
shawn.manny: New snare rack in the mixing room
shawn.manny: Good to have options
shawn.manny: Set the girls up tonight
shawn.manny: All mic'd up
shawn.manny: New board test
shawn.manny: Table and trim in the mixing room
shawn.manny: Studio now has a full 2 octave organ!
shawn.manny: Guitar hangers
shawn.manny: Mobile baffle
shawn.manny: Inside the iso room
shawn.manny: Iso room done