Shawn Hoke: Kate Close Up Test, 8x10, Kodak Tri-X 320
Shawn Hoke: WALL-E Watching the Fog at Manhattan Bridge, 8x10 Kodak Tri-X 320
Shawn Hoke: Shake Shack, NYC, 8x10 Kodak Tri-X 320
Shawn Hoke: Tray Developed 8x10 X-Ray Film Test
Shawn Hoke: Shake Shack at Night, 8x10 Fuji HR-T X-Ray Film
Shawn Hoke: Old Pocket Watch, 8x10 Kodak Tri-X 320
Shawn Hoke: Grand Central Terminal,, NYC, 8x10 Fuji HRT Xray Film
Shawn Hoke: Grand Central Terminal, Met Life Escalators, 8x10 Fuji HR-T X-Ray Film
Shawn Hoke: Kate and Chambray Shirt, 8x10 Ilford HP5+
Shawn Hoke: Vanessa Portrait, 8x10 Ilford HP5+
Shawn Hoke: Manhattan Bridge Tourist on 8x10 Ilford HP5+
Shawn Hoke: Ranunculus Flowers, 8x10 X-Ray Film
Shawn Hoke: Brooklyn Bridge on 8x10 Ilford HP5+ Cropped and Adjusted
Shawn Hoke: Park Slope Leaves shot Wide Open w/ 8x10 Camera and X-Ray Film
Shawn Hoke: Dying Peonies, 8x10 Ilford HP5+
Shawn Hoke: Dead Peonies, May 28, 8x10 Ilford HP5+
Shawn Hoke: Veggie Still Life, 8x10 Ilford HP5+ Film
Shawn Hoke: Mega Glass Offices, 8x10 Ilford HP5+ (Must see large)
Shawn Hoke: Mega Glass Shelves and Keys, 8x10 Ilford HP5+ Film
Shawn Hoke: Domino Sugar Factory, 8x10 Fuji Acros 100
Shawn Hoke: Sleeved 8x10 Negative
Shawn Hoke: Peonies, 8x10 Ilford HP5+