Shaun Lau: The Three Musketeers
Shaun Lau: 2: Cantona Kickems
Shaun Lau: 1: JChin
Shaun Lau: Posers
Shaun Lau: Something big and hairy is down there and it's not happy
Shaun Lau: "Told you not to do the chicken dance on top of an elevated rock..."
Shaun Lau: "What if I dropped my shoe?"
Shaun Lau: Mission Accomplished
Shaun Lau: 3: Shady Potato
Shaun Lau: "Spot! Get help, quick!"
Shaun Lau: "I can see my house - in fact, I think I can see my mom watching TV from here"
Shaun Lau: Yes! I sometimes doodle about football
Shaun Lau: An elderly lady and her window to the world
Shaun Lau: Can you make my passport pic extra-large? Don't ask why.
Shaun Lau: The Filming of an Indian Wedding
Shaun Lau: wha?
Shaun Lau: A New Join Staff's Diary
Shaun Lau: I Heart Bagels - But Not Bagel Slicers
Shaun Lau: Board Game Confessions Episode 1 : MASTERMIND
Shaun Lau: Sepang Hillstand
Shaun Lau: The View from the Hillstand
Shaun Lau: Rained out in Sepang
Shaun Lau: Splish Splash
Shaun Lau: She's a .... BRICK! .... Hooouse
Shaun Lau: Hurry Up, Grandpa Iguana ... I Haven't Got All Day
Shaun Lau: The Best Popiah is in Melaka
Shaun Lau: The TRUTH is in the Kopi-O
Shaun Lau: I am FED UP!
Shaun Lau: Yeah Man I Do Whatever It Take... Like a Fat Kid Love Cake
Shaun Lau: Go, .. go, .. go shawty ... It's your birthday