shaunchua: Phuture
shaunchua: _MG_4693
shaunchua: Scottie Beam Me Up
shaunchua: Funky Blobs
shaunchua: DJ play me your tunes !
shaunchua: Barco LED Display Grid
shaunchua: The mothership is hovering above
shaunchua: _MG_4698
shaunchua: 3 DJs at the decks
shaunchua: Visual Effects DMX console
shaunchua: Check out the LED Screen ... so full of GOOODNESS
shaunchua: _MG_4641
shaunchua: Where did everyone go ?
shaunchua: Lovely pathway to "Heaven"
shaunchua: DSC_0269
shaunchua: The DJs
shaunchua: Pioneer Effects Generator
shaunchua: Tomo on the decks
shaunchua: Please DJ play me my song !
shaunchua: Swirly carpet..... Very hypnotic !
shaunchua: DSC_0100
shaunchua: Hot Rods
shaunchua: DSC_0124
shaunchua: DSC_0173
shaunchua: DSC_0108
shaunchua: Hail the Emperor
shaunchua: DSC_0122
shaunchua: DSC_0197
shaunchua: DSC_0103
shaunchua: DSC_0320