shaunbellis: IMG_0178
shaunbellis: IMG_0181
shaunbellis: IMG_0182
shaunbellis: IMG_0183
shaunbellis: IMG_0206
shaunbellis: IMG_0207
shaunbellis: IMG_0214
shaunbellis: IMG_0215
shaunbellis: Responsive design is based on hypocritical and contradicting bullshit
shaunbellis: IMG_0217
shaunbellis: The reason that the Wordpress [beta] nav didn't work in any version of IE.
shaunbellis: 1 in 5 people in the UK work in a place that's 3000%* more likely to use Old Browser
shaunbellis: False perception
shaunbellis: Tom Hudson
shaunbellis: Tom Hudson
shaunbellis: Tom Hudson
shaunbellis: IMG_0167
shaunbellis: Arc Touch