Shaun Paine Photography: The Art of Motion
Shaun Paine Photography: Interleague Champions
Shaun Paine Photography: Girls Footy isnt soft.
Shaun Paine Photography: Winners Circle
Shaun Paine Photography: Mascotts Go Hard, too.
Shaun Paine Photography: 10 each way on 15
Shaun Paine Photography: Hip and Shoulder
Shaun Paine Photography: Mexican Standoff
Shaun Paine Photography: Great pick up 1
Shaun Paine Photography: The heat of battle
Shaun Paine Photography: Eyeing off the goals
Shaun Paine Photography: Penetrating Kick
Shaun Paine Photography: Quick Disposal
Shaun Paine Photography: I dont want it!
Shaun Paine Photography: Slotting one through
Shaun Paine Photography: All wrapped up
Shaun Paine Photography: Shrugging the Tackle