MadRussianPhotography: Day 22 - Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.
MadRussianPhotography: Day 8 - The most painful thing is to be sitting right next to the person you love most, but never being able to let them know. It's hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone, when you're heart still does.
MadRussianPhotography: Day 6 - If I was blind, you would make me see. If I was deaf, you would make me hear; and if I was dumb, a word would come out of the boundaries of my lips.
MadRussianPhotography: Day 4 - Your heartbeat is the most significant sound in the world to me.
MadRussianPhotography: Dresses Oh bother >.<
MadRussianPhotography: Day 21 - When Christmas bells are swinging above the fields of snow, we hear sweet voices ringing from lands of long ago, and etched on vacant places are half-forgotten faces of friends we used to cherish, and loves we used to know.
MadRussianPhotography: Day 36 - Maybe I wanted to hear it so badly that my ears betrayed my mind in order to secure my heart.
MadRussianPhotography: Day 37 - In the sex war, thoughtlessness is the weapon of the male, vindictiveness of the female.
MadRussianPhotography: Day 39 - With relish and delight, you continually bite at the bait; you are trapped, you fool - how will you ever escape?
MadRussianPhotography: Day 24 - No matter where you go or what you do, you live your entire life within the confines of your head.
MadRussianPhotography: Second choice
MadRussianPhotography: Day 11 - Thorns and stings, and those such things, Just make stronger our angel wings.
MadRussianPhotography: Day 32 - Pictures Are Hung; People Are Hanged.
MadRussianPhotography: Day 13 - Truth: the most deadly weapon ever discovered by humanity. Capable of destroying entire perceptual sets, cultures, and realities. Outlawed by all governments everywhere. Possession is normally punishable by death.
MadRussianPhotography: Day 46 - The greatest gift is a passion for reading. It is cheap, it consoles, it distracts, it excites, it gives you knowledge of the world and experience of a wide kind. It is a moral illumination.
MadRussianPhotography: Day 35 - Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.
MadRussianPhotography: Day 48 - Calling to Let You Know...
MadRussianPhotography: Day 25 - The identity of one changes with how one percieves reality.
MadRussianPhotography: Day 41 - I wish I could find people who just would fight me and break through to me and hold me down and scream their life into my face.
MadRussianPhotography: Day 38 - I'm lying on the moon, with nothing left to do, with a lonely view of heaven, but I'd rather be with you
MadRussianPhotography: Day49 outtake
MadRussianPhotography: Looking into darkness.
MadRussianPhotography: Day1 outtake
MadRussianPhotography: Day 52 - None of us knows what the next change is going to be, what unexpected opportunity is just around the corner, waiting a few months or a few years to change all the tenor of our lives.
MadRussianPhotography: Day 53 - Sometimes I get to fed up with people that I just want to yell "F**K YOU" at the top of my lungs and hope you hear.
MadRussianPhotography: Wrap myself in something soft...
MadRussianPhotography: Day 34 - Do I look like I have a plan? I'm like a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I ever caught it. I just... do things.
MadRussianPhotography: Day 56 - I ran up the door and I closed the stairs, I said my pajamas and put on my prayers. I turned out the bed and I hopped into the light, all because you kissed me goodnight.
MadRussianPhotography: Day 55 - This is the maraschino cherry on the banana split of bad luck I have been having.
MadRussianPhotography: Day 54 - Karate-do may be referred to as the conflict within yourself, or a life-long marathon which can be won only through self-discipline, hard training, and your own creative efforts.