Light Magnetic: Shrouded Dawn
BricePortolano: the feeling of being alone in the mountains
kulimpapat: Portrait of Wasps
mojo2u: La Jolla
nehall: Avon Harbor
cogito ergo imago: The Pierre (Explored)
paul downing: A fine view to Rosebery Topping. KN141111IMG0836
mpb11: Autumn's Breath «explored»
monojussi: Water Colour
Uncle_Greg: Morning at Indian Head Cove
- David Olsson -: Boholmen - sunset
Sue Brown - Devon: Watefall Connor Pass
Karsten Klawitter: No Matter Where I Go in a Way I am Never Leaving This Place
Elizabeth Gadd: Her Mystified Mind
Joel Robison: Natural
Masha Sardari: with a bear by the hearth
lisa carolina: 365/365
Midnight - Digital: Sleepwalking