Shashank Teotia: Blessings
Shashank Teotia: A moments pause
Shashank Teotia: Howrah Bridge
Shashank Teotia: Vidyasagar Setu
Shashank Teotia: Tea time
Shashank Teotia: Dressing room
Shashank Teotia: No miles to go.. let me sleep..
Shashank Teotia: I shall be watching you
Shashank Teotia: Nouhans Bakery, New Market
Shashank Teotia: All ready and nowhere to go
Shashank Teotia: under ATTACK!
Shashank Teotia: Burnt purple
Shashank Teotia: Hell's fury
Shashank Teotia: Ladies before the Aarti
Shashank Teotia: Evening at the ghats
Shashank Teotia: Bhel Puri, Vardhan Market
Shashank Teotia: Time to go home
Shashank Teotia: Waiting for the evening
Shashank Teotia: Color me sunset