massdistraction: Boarding the surprise bus!
massdistraction: Drew on the bus
massdistraction: Alicia, excited
massdistraction: Nick on the bus
massdistraction: Another Nick on the bus
massdistraction: Dan, excited
massdistraction: Torben greeting employees stepping off the bus
massdistraction: Steve, Betsy, Roger and Mike
massdistraction: Steve posing for a fake phone call
massdistraction: Torben and Scott
massdistraction: Chairs in a conference room
massdistraction: Veuve Clicquot Champagne in the lobby
massdistraction: Eric behind glass
massdistraction: Darryl and Heather in the hallway
massdistraction: Chelsea and Adam
massdistraction: New office surrounded by the woods
massdistraction: Roger in the new office
massdistraction: Sarah pointing out the wacky wrench door handle
massdistraction: Jeff behind glass
massdistraction: Chelsea and Alicia on our new deck
massdistraction: Heather on the deck
massdistraction: Krista and Heather
massdistraction: Jeff and John
massdistraction: Funmi and Nicole
massdistraction: Funmi and me
massdistraction: Nicole on the deck
massdistraction: Nicole on the deck
massdistraction: Steve and Brian
massdistraction: Brian on the deck