massdistraction: inside-the-dome3
massdistraction: inside-the-dome2
massdistraction: outside-the-dome3
massdistraction: outside-the-dome2
massdistraction: continuing to play, outside the dome
massdistraction: Kevin, still performing outside of the dome
massdistraction: silly-kevin
massdistraction: exiting the dome
massdistraction: Josh with multiple instruments
massdistraction: exiting the dome
massdistraction: emerging from the dome
massdistraction: emerging from the dome
massdistraction: John Zuma Saint-Pelvyn with a harmonica instead of a theremin
massdistraction: cues, telling The Dark Globe Memorial Big Band what to do next
massdistraction: inside the dome with The Dark Globe Memorial Big Band
massdistraction: Serious Kevin, performing in The Dark Globe Memorial Big Band
massdistraction: Paul, literally feeling the music, through the dome
massdistraction: zeppelin
massdistraction: setting up for The Dark Globe Memorial Big Band in the dome
massdistraction: the birthday boy, observing the the Dark Globe Memorial Big Band
massdistraction: the cool kids