Vic Sharp: Snowdrops
Vic Sharp: Snail Shell Macro
Vic Sharp: Tree Moss
Vic Sharp: Hogweed Mono
Vic Sharp: Amaryllis Stemen
Vic Sharp: Sage Leaf Macro
Vic Sharp: Tree Lichen - Cladonia deformis
Vic Sharp: Snowberries
Vic Sharp: Thistle Firework
Vic Sharp: Metal
Vic Sharp: Spring Leaf
Vic Sharp: Grazed Garlic
Vic Sharp: Horny Moss
Vic Sharp: Mossy Flamingoes
Vic Sharp: Oak Apple
Vic Sharp: Pointy
Vic Sharp: Bug Box
Vic Sharp: Wild Strawberry
Vic Sharp: Town Hall Clock
Vic Sharp: Fly - yet to be identified
Vic Sharp: Flower drop
Vic Sharp: Forget me not
Vic Sharp: Hover Fly (Rhingia campestris)
Vic Sharp: Yellow Dung Fly
Vic Sharp: Building a cocoon
Vic Sharp: Caterpillar on a leaf
Vic Sharp: Ramsom bud
Vic Sharp: Broccoflower
Vic Sharp: Broccoflower