Sharon Wills: Purple Geranium Incanum Flowers
Sharon Wills: A Single Pink Anisodontea Capensis Flower
Sharon Wills: Scabiosa Incisa flower head with no petals
Sharon Wills: Leucospermum Cordifolium, Nodding Pincushion Flowers
Sharon Wills: Gazania
Sharon Wills: Leucospermum Cordifolium, Nodding Pincushion Flowers
Sharon Wills: Nymania Capensis Flowers (Chinese Lantern)
Sharon Wills: Arctotis Flower Head - Pre bloom
Sharon Wills: Yay, got a name - Albuca Nelsonii
Sharon Wills: White Arctotis (Arctotis stoechadifolia)
Sharon Wills: White Arctotis (Arctotis stoechadifolia)
Sharon Wills: Erioephalus Racemosus
Sharon Wills: Yellow Blooming Arctotis Flower Head in Garden
Sharon Wills: Shrivelled Arctotis Flower Head
Sharon Wills: Agapanthus - Thanks for the ID Folks :)
Sharon Wills: Agapantha Flowers
Sharon Wills: Yellow Gazania Rigens
Sharon Wills: Lasiospermum Bipinnatum
Sharon Wills: Leucospermum Cordifolium, Nodding Pincushion Flowers
Sharon Wills: Arcototis