Sharon Wills: Pelicans at the Adelaide Zoo
Sharon Wills: Dusky Leaf Monkey (Langur) - Semnopilthecus Obscurus
Sharon Wills: Alligator
Sharon Wills: Tawny Frog Mouth Owl
Sharon Wills: Aldabra Giant Tortoise
Sharon Wills: White-Cheeked Gibbon (Hylobates Leucogenys)
Sharon Wills: Breast Feeding White-Cheeked Gibbon (Hylobates Leucogenys)
Sharon Wills: Just Chill'n: White-Cheeked Gibbon (Hylobates Leucogenys)
Sharon Wills: Tawny Frog Mouth - Caption This!
Sharon Wills: Tawny Frogmouth - When I take over the world...