Sharon Frost: Squaring off the pelvis -- finding the grid. Sacral observation. 1 February, 2015.
Sharon Frost: Four corners of the arch. It's square. 2 de mayo, 2015.
Sharon Frost: 2 de mayo. 4 corners of the arch: it's square.
Sharon Frost: Process the coracoid -- it's a rotation. 16 May, 2015.
Sharon Frost: Back to front: winging it. Processing the coracoid. 13 June, 2015.
Sharon Frost: Kneed. 9 de marzo, 2015.
Sharon Frost: !Apuesta ahora en este partido fútbol! Los arcos de los pies: cuniformity. 9 de mayo, 2015.
Sharon Frost: Una vez más. ambos pies en Brooklyn. 17 de agosto, 2015. (Once again, both feet in Brooklyn.)
Sharon Frost: Facing the sacrum. The geometry is infinite. 7 september, 2015.
Sharon Frost: Gravitas: both feet on the ground. 20 September, 2015.
Sharon Frost: Messi knee: it's ligamental. 3 october, 2015.
Sharon Frost: Jerez de la Frontera. Casa Rosaleda. Las puntas del pie frias. 1 de diciembre, 2015.
Sharon Frost: Squaring off, without losing the diagonal. 18 november, 2015.
Sharon Frost: It's in the bone on 71 Ocean Parkway.