Sharon Frost:
Heart throb: it's electric. 29 de abríl, 2014.
Sharon Frost:
Anterior cruciate ligament. Kneed to know basis -- by a thread.
Sharon Frost:
Churck Berry had the beat: it's got a backbeat, you c an't lose it. 28 May, 2014.
Sharon Frost:
Reconstructed reality: underpinnings. 16 June, 2014. (Another musing on Victor Valdes)
Sharon Frost:
Rotation station: don't get unhinged. 25 June, 2014.
Sharon Frost:
Bones first: both feet on the ground. 18 de julio, 2014.
Sharon Frost:
From one psoas to another: tying up loose ends. It's the cutting edge. 7 January, 2014.
Sharon Frost:
The angle on the pelvis: the femoral neck. 20 March, 2014.
Sharon Frost:
The heart of the matter: the hands and feet are the points of reference. 29 March, 2014.
Sharon Frost:
Spinning out of control. Fingering the coracoid, it's part of the process. 30 August, 2014.
Sharon Frost:
Fútbol: watching Barcelona lose the glue. 30 September, 2014.
Sharon Frost:
Thumbing a ride, and other digital initiatives. 14 November. 2014.
Sharon Frost:
The angle on the pelvis: the femoral neck. 20 March, 2014.
Sharon Frost:
Anterior cruciate ligament. Kneed to know basis -- by a thread.