Sharon Emma Photography:
Smoke and Veil
Sharon Emma Photography:
Studying Daido Moriyama's fine work
Sharon Emma Photography:
The first room
Sharon Emma Photography:
Red Head
Sharon Emma Photography:
Looking at New York skyline
Sharon Emma Photography:
My favourite room
Sharon Emma Photography:
Boys will be boys
Sharon Emma Photography:
William Klein
Sharon Emma Photography:
Zebra crossing by William Klein
Sharon Emma Photography:
Daido Moriyama's work
Sharon Emma Photography:
Sharon Emma Photography:
Sharon Emma Photography:
There is only one NEW YORK
Sharon Emma Photography:
Evelyn + Isabella + Nena + Mirrors + Roof
Sharon Emma Photography:
Back to back
Sharon Emma Photography:
Japanese photography
Sharon Emma Photography:
Where next?
Sharon Emma Photography:
William Klein's New York photos
Sharon Emma Photography:
William Klein - Room 2
Sharon Emma Photography:
Daido Moriyama
Sharon Emma Photography:
Bandaged faces, purple baths and smoked cigarettes
Sharon Emma Photography:
William Klein's street photography
Sharon Emma Photography:
Eye to eye