sharwest: damn hell condo bathroom
sharwest: damn hell delano bathroom part 2
sharwest: damn hell mansion bathroom
sharwest: in the closet
sharwest: she's a lot like you. the dangerous type.
sharwest: If a photographer takes a picture and no one is around to see it, does it make a sound?
sharwest: hello reno. goodbye reno.
sharwest: dressed and ready
sharwest: askew
sharwest: not a shooter
sharwest: it's us against them sister.
sharwest: focussed
sharwest: reflected
sharwest: in the mirror
sharwest: in the mirror - take 7
sharwest: shattered
sharwest: in lance's mirror
sharwest: getting ready
sharwest: mirror break
sharwest: here's lookin' at you
sharwest: i should not have had this last beer
sharwest: freak
sharwest: wearing the only clothes i have.
sharwest: green with envy
sharwest: i got this shit DOWN now.
sharwest: just in time[r]
sharwest: the owls are watching
sharwest: solo
sharwest: on the TGV